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My Story With Hypnosis


I want to devote my life to helping my clients regain control of their lives and break out of addictive cycles. Trust me, I know how daunting it can be to feel out of control of a part of your life.


I have struggled most of my life with compulsive overeating, which caused me to massively yo-yo diet. It didn't matter how many times I started a healthy eating plan and would lose weight, I'd gain it back and have to start all over. I felt like I was in some warped version of Ground Hog Day. It was an exhausting cycle and began to affect every part of my life negatively.


After years of struggling with yo-yo dieting, I became obsessed with finding ways to combat the compulsive overeating and prevent weight gain. That's when I developed bulimic tendencies, and I knew I would die if I didn't get a hold of my behavior. I started to look for help. I tried everything, traditional talk therapy, mindful eating, 12 step programs, and nothing seemed to work.


There were times I got discouraged and wanted to give up, but I'm a fighter. I just knew there had to be an answer. That's when I started doing research and found my first hypnotherapist. At this point, I was desperate, so even though I was a little skeptical, I jumped right in. I got excellent results, and I'm not over-exaggerating when I say hypnosis saved my life.


I have to pay it forward


I stopped compulsively overeating, and all the related issues cleared up. My weight began to stabilize for the first time, and I felt in control.  It felt like the chain broke from my ankle to the scale. I felt FREE! I wanted to learn everything about hypnosis and help everyone feel this freedom. I felt like I got a second chance at life, and I wanted to pay it forward. I studied at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute for a year and became a certified hypnotherapist. I continue to keep up on my knowledge by taking workshops, classes, and reading on the hypnosis community's latest news.


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